Magic Mike Live – Las Vegas

Venue Design by: Rachel O’Toole

This 2016 venue no longer exists but a form of it has been revived in the Sahara in 2020.

Magic Mike Live…the highlight of my career thus far.

The Venue “Club Domina”, though overall is about 8000 ft² the actual area for viewing the stage and seating is about half that.  Club Domina would be ‘In the Round’; meaning that the stage would be in the center of the space with the guests seated around it.  360 degrees viewing.

The challenges became apparent with low ceiling heights and two very big visual obstacles right at the stage.  Two columns that support 3 floors above the venue.  These would obstruct ‘site-lines’ to the stage and elsewhere.

Chair spacing was calculated to the inch.  All the sofas were custom built for the exact space they would occupy.  Sketchup allowed me to perform Sight-line Studies from every single seat. [ I am again amazed at how accurate it can be ]  In the end, it came together beautifully.

With any project, its the people that make it.  Everyone at Base Entertainment,  the Choreographers and Performers, the Production Staff,  Mr. Channing Tatum, and, Rachel O’Toole, for inviting me onto the project.  What a wonderful and incredibly talented group of people I had the fortune to work with.

As I work closely with the Construction Crews I would like to thank a few people whom, I feel, made a difference in my work.  They are the people who took my scribbles and made something tangible, something real…

Las Vegas

Vancouver, B.C.

Special Mention:

  • Patrick Jones [amazing Hand Crafted Mirrors] – Mirror-tique